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Re: East Coast and Central Listers

To: "FunbeamChuck" <FunbeamChuck@comcast.net>,
Subject: Re: East Coast and Central Listers
From: "Chris Thompson" <cthompson@rrinc.com>
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2003 10:18:25 -0400
Won't be going to Tahoe, but I will be taking either the Tiger or the E-type
down to VIR for the Historics and the Moss Car show!  See you there!  If you
haven't been to VIR yet, you'll love it!  I just did a Skippy school there
two weeks ago.

Oh, and Grassroots Motorsports still exists - they bought some other
magazine (can't remember the name), and renamed it Classic Motorsports.


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