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Re: 40K Tigers

To: larry.p@erols.com, geowiz@cox-internet.com
Subject: Re: 40K Tigers
From: Drmoonstone@aol.com
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2003 14:37:06 EDT
In a message dated 5/31/03 3:45:32 PM, larry.p@erols.com writes:

<< How does a 37 year old car beat a new factory team, and yes Tom's car is 
a race car, but so are those factory team cars.  Embarrassing to the 
factory teams, so they change the rules, but what would the interest be 
in the Tiger if all the restrictors were removed? >>

The rules in this class are changed almost yearly to keep any one car from 
obtaining a clear cut advantage. 


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