Anyone care to clue the rest of us in who don't get Tiger Tales? Is BMW
really making a new Tiger? It's too late for April fools....
----- Original Message -----
From: "ron fraser" <>
To: "'James E. Pickard'" <>; "'Chris Hill'"
<>; <>
Sent: Sunday, June 01, 2003 9:00 PM
Subject: RE: 40K Tigers
> Hey let them make it as much of an exact copy as possible. That
> would mean a completely new supply of modern parts for our Tigers.
> Ron Fraser
> ----------------------
> Now a 2004 Tiger with similar looks as the original, 300 hp, modern
> suspension and tires, and A/C? That would be a stunner! Can't be an
> copy - people need to now it is a modern retro car and not a reproduction.
> ---
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