I got the Midget rack out of a So. Cal. Pick A Part for $35. It is
from.... I think a '74 (it had those bulbous bumpers). The reason the pre 70
is prefered (so I'm told) is that Dale uses two internally half round pieces
(square on the outside) and clamps the rack to the crossmember and those
early racks are the diameter of the hole he makes (so I'm told - again) the
later racks are a different diameter.
Having said that I have my crossmember out and just now pulled the Midget
rack out of the rafters. This is what I observed. The rack I have fits
properly between the Tiger rack mounts on the crossmember. There are raised
sections near each end of the rack itself, like this ---I------------I---
, and there is about 1/8" clearance on the outside of the Tiger crossmember
rack mounts. The Midget clamp looks similar to a double bolt pipe clamp like
this (O====O) and the rough center to center measurement appears to be
2-1/8". The Tiger center to center appears to be 2-1/4". It would seem a
simple task to grind out the clamp holes an 1/8" on each side towards the
outside to line up with the Tiger rack mount holes.
It appears the greater difficulty seems to be supporting the rack on the
back side that seats against the Tiger crossmember rack mount location.
However, here again, simply using the stock Midget piece, it's side view
looks something like this )== , and grinding down what is
represented by the right end of the equals sign, then welding a plate with
holes drilled to the Tigers 2-14" spacing should keep everything tightly in
place. Anyway, that's my budget adapter. If you go this route and find the
needed threaded hex pieces and treaded round stock (remember the proper
thread directions) please let me know. That is still the missing piece of
the puzzle for me.
Regards, Tom Witt B9470101
----- Original Message -----
From: Arnie Sugar <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 9:49 AM
Subject: rack & pinion for ackerman mods
> I'm looking at a couple of MG midget rack& pinions on ebay, for the
> ackerman mod. I'm a little nervous about buying one sight unseen - any
> thoughts on whether its better to get one at a junkyard where I can
> check it out, vs. by mail? The local brit junkyard is pretty proud of
> their used parts, I think you get a jar of Grey Poupon with each part.
> What are the things to look for? I'm assuming it will need a rebuild,
> any advice on doing this myself, or should I just get a rebuilt unit,
> and if so, from where? So many questions...
> Arnie Sugar