Thanks Rootes Friends,
For your kindness and concern.
For your good wishes.
For your good personal fortunes.
Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.
"A day that shall go down in infamy........."
It has come again, and the response will show the world that this is NOT
a divided country over our humanity and love of country.
There are those that have yet to learn the oldest proverb:
"Beware! Do not twist the tail of the sleeping Tiger, the body still
retains it's enormous strength, the mind it's strong will the sheathed
claws are as sharp as ever, and the lips cover the powerful jaws and
teeth. Ignore it's true spirit and disturb it's rest at your peril."
Steve Laifman < Find out what is most >
B9472289 < important in your life >
< and don't let it get away!>
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