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To: "tigers@autox.team.net" <tigers@autox.team.net>
Subject: TACFest
From: Larry Paulick <larry.p@erols.com>
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 18:19:40 -0400
Hi Group.  Well, we are down to 20 days before TACFest here in the
Washington, DC area.

Our TAC Instructors school is closed out, But Good News:

You can still get your car TACed on Sunday, September 30th.

We had several guys who could not get trailers, to get their cars here
to be TACed, under restoration you understand, and they opened up
several slots.

Contact me off line, if you want to take up one of the few slots still

Our Sr. TAC Inspector is the Master Himself, Tom Hall, who is flying in
from California, just for this event.

So don't miss this rare opportunity.

Here are details.


   Sunday's TAC Schedule
   September 30, 2001

   9:00 - 10:00 AM Coffee and Donuts available.

   10:00 AM TACing of cars begins, with Tom Hall Sr. Inspector, and 2
   other TAC Inspectors who will conduct the program.

   We have not planned a lunch for Sunday, but if there are enough
   around lunch time, we may just order Pizza or whatever, if you are
   for lunchtime. There also are several restaurants in the area, plus

   The TACing schedule will be on a first come sign up basis, with the
   ups starting on Saturday.  So, if you have a particular time problem,
   constraint, and want you have your car moved up on the TACing
   let me know, and we will try to schedule accordingly.

   You of course will have the opportunity to ogle all the other Neat
   Tigers present, and of course, tell Your Best War Stories, search for

   parts needed, look for help and advise, plenty of that, or just enjoy

   the company of your fellow Tiger Owners.

   Don't miss this very rare opportunity to get your car inspected by
   Tiger communities standard, STOA TAC. This is the first such
event              in the last two years on the east coast.

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