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Re: Ziebart is THE thing!

To: DJoh797014@aol.com
Subject: Re: Ziebart is THE thing!
From: Steve Laifman <Laifman@flash.net>
Date: Wed, 03 Jan 2001 12:14:39 -0800
Dave, as usual, comes up with very good suggestions on rust proofing the
door sills.

I am now reminded about my move from California to Highland Park, IL in
1967.  I brought my 1966 Porsche 911S with me (had it shipped) only
about 1 year after buying it new.  It had a factory stock auxiliary
gasoline heater, which was never turned on in CA, (but was in IL) and
was built very much like a Sunbeam unibody.

I took it to the local specialists who insisted that the car be
"Ziebarted" to prevent rust in the interior boxes and panels that could
get salt water in them.  The process consisted of drilling small holes
into every box section (and there were a LOT of them) and inserting a
wand with a spray tip in each one, and coating the interiors with a
black impervious coating.  The hole was then plugged up with a sealing
button of hard plastic wet with Ziebart.  Very clean and neat work by
Authorized Agents Only, thank you.

This was "THE" thing to do if you had a car you wanted to last.  Never
see old cars on the streets there. In about 5-6 years you could see the
road through the floorboards.

Serious stuff for serious people.

Unfortunately, I was too chicken to take my beauty out in that weather,
as fully prepared as it was, and left it in the garage all winter
(Another GQ, but probably earlier).  I bought a used '65 Corvair Coupe
(screw Nader), which had a Porsche style (maybe even design) engine,
started in the WORST weather - instantly, and was very good in the

I don't know what Ziebart was, or if the franchisee's are still in
business, as I left in 1972, but highly recommend it based on the
experience of my friends, at least.


Steve Laifman         < Find out what is most    >
B9472289              < important in your life     >
                         < and don't let it get away!>


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