Your Right Steve, I just thought I'd throw that one in. I couldn't resist.
Sometimes the Little Devil gets in me!!!! Mark
Steve Laifman wrote:
> Mark Fridenstine wrote:
> > California Tiger owners:
> > Keep electing those Liberals, and you'll be walking again someday.
> > keep them on the Left coast.
> > Mark
> Mark,
> I am as much dismayed as you are, but I do believe that the water and air
> pollution regulations that so affected car painting costs, electro-plating,
> automotive chemicals, AND engine block “boil-out” solutions are NOT unique to
> West Coast. I think they are based upon Federal water and air quality
> and health / safety issues and apply across the country.
> Most of the Draconian ideas on vehicle pollution regulations and testing being
> heard about from California are the result of not being able to meet stringent
> Federal air and water quality standards. The problem is too many vehicles, too
> little major water flow, and some unique air containment basins capturing
> produced emissions.
> Putting stiffer regulations on diesels, SUV's stationary power stations and
> industrial sources could reduce the impact on cars, but politics is politics.
> SUV's lost, as do cars against establishment and commerce. This isn't a local
> phenomena.
> Hope that clears up a few misconceptions.
> Steve
> --
> Steve Laifman < Find out what is most >
> B9472289 < important in your life >
> < and don't let it get away!>
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