At 11:59 AM 7/15/99 -0600, you wrote:
>...A K&N stubstack is a phenolic resin piece that is shaped ....
>... Since I am considering a powerplant with more cubes this
>carb to cleaner clearance is bound to be an issue for me...
>Tim Ronak
Tim and other Tiger Folks,
I discovered that the stock AC filter housing does not
fit a Holly double pumper if you mount the filter length ways
(which looks better to me than the original Tiger cross ways).
The adjustment bolts for the needle and seats hit the bottom
edge of the housing. I got around this problem with a non
damaging modification to the lower part of the AC filter housing.
I took a piece of 5/8" wide steel strapping band (the kind used for
packaging), formed it into a loop that had a press fit around the
bottom of the lower portion of the AC filter plate. Spliced the loop
with a couple of pop revits from inside the loop. Sealed the
loop to the AC filter plate with RTV. This raised the air filter
enough so that I can mount the assembly length ways. The loop
seals against the regular Holly horn gasket and there is no way the loop
can come off when the wing nut is tight on top of the air cleaner.
This method might allow the K&N stub stack to be installed
under the stock AC filter assembly. Do not know the exact details
of the stub assembly to say for sure.
Of course the loop raises the filter by 5/8" and I am not sure
that the assembly would fit lengthwise under an unmodified Tiger hood.
James Barrett Tiger II 351C and others