It sounds like something happened to the instrument voltage regulator (a little
can about 3/4" x 1/2" x 1.5" with four tab connectors, under the dash near the
gauges). It should be grounded to the chassis somehow; two white wires go to the
B terminal; two (green? with stripes? I'm going by memory) go to the power
inputs on the gauges. The ignition side should have 12 - 14 volts depending on
whether or not you are running the engine, and the gauge side should have 10
volts. If you have 12 volts on the gauge side, then the regulator isn't grounded
or the points are burned closed, and your gauges will read too high. If you have
0 volts on the gauge side and 12 volts on the ignition side, then the regulator
is stuck open or there are loose parts inside, and your gauges will read zero.
The other terminal of each gauge should read somewhere between 0 and 10 volts
depending on the temperature or fuel level, assuming that you have the 10 volts
going in on the power input of the gauge. Actually, if you see 10 or 0 volts,
that's probably a bad sign; check Mark Olson's web site Tech Tips for gauge
Good Luck,
Theo Smit
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Fridenstine []
> Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 1999 3:55 PM
> To:
> Subject: Tiger Guages/Fuel leak
> Please Help: I installed a new dash board and now my fuel /temp guages
> don't even register. I looked for a off wire but the only ones close are
> green with 2 grounds. [] <snip> Any help I would greatly appreciate....
> Thank Mark