One big Tiger / Alpine club online. I don't think so.
As someone already said, how many owners are still not internet
compliant? Probably a huge percentage, so that means a snail mail
Will STOA join with CAT or the Pacific Northwest clubs. No, they each
have enough local members to support a separate club. In one case
they're 400 miles apart, and in the other, 650 (Portland to the Bay
Area) TEAE folks are all over the map. In their case it might make sense
to split into chapters.
And take it from this bi-coastal boy; I meet with fellow TEAE folks, and
they distrust the westerners. I meet with the CAT / STOA herd and they
want to be at arms length from this "Easterner". As Rodney King said,
why can't we all along together? I don't personally know, but I know
there won't be a umbrella club for U.S. Rootes people anytime soon.
So, a little more respect for the hardworking newsletter editors is in
order. And., feel free to contribute stories and pictures. And, if you
think something needs a little more urgency than a monthly newsletter
can provide, post it here.