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Re: Tigpines?

To: Steve Laifman <laifman@flash.net>
Subject: Re: Tigpines?
From: steve sage <rootes@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 23:13:51 -0700
Steve Laifman wrote:

> Look Out,
> Those nasty conversion con-men are still out there.  Here is a harrowing
> tale of an Alpine/Tiger conversion that will raise your hackles (where
> the h-ll are my hackles?).
> Thanks to Roland Flueler (sorry about the 'umlauts'):
> (http://sunbeamalpine.com/feature/feature.html).
> Where is TAC when you really need them? {9->
> --
> Steve Laifman         < Find out what is most     >

After visiting the A.S.S. site, I am very concerned that my '67 Series V
Alpine might be an imposter! A sinister clue is that I installed a set of
MKII headlight covers a few months ago and they fit perfectly. I would hate
to think that my car's value may be seriously diminished by a conversion
from a Tiger to it's current beautiful Alpine state.

Steve Sage

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