Regarding your inquiry on how to lower the soft top on your Tiger:
The procedure for stowing the soft top is essentially the same for both early
and late series cars, disregarding things such as velcro over the windows,
etc. Originally the instructions for stowing the top on your MK 1A was a
supplement inserted in the Owner's Manual. In addition to the manual, the
early Tigers with the metal doors had the instructions on the inside of the
center door. Both manuals had helpful pictures.
I have scanned the pages of the soft top supplement to the owner's manual for
B3820XXXXX cars, and am sending them to you as 8 attachments via a separate E-
mail. I could also scan the pages from the manual for B947XXXX cars. If
anyone else is interested in any of these attachments, contact me and I'll be
glad to send them to you. Specify which model Sunbeam you want.
Dick Barker