Thought the Tiger folks, above all, needed to read this one. See, Australia
is even bigger'n Texas and they have a sense of humor too!!
>Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 09:30:22 +0930
>From: Paul Heuer <>
>X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.05C-SGI [en] (X11; I; IRIX 6.5 IP32)
>To:, "" <>
>Subject: Re: Bobbycue and stuff
>> Earth serving as a sort of Australia of the galaxy
>Right, that's it. Now you lot are poking fun at us. Let's see, about
>three weeks to find a dozens blokes sober enough to grab the safe end of
>a boomerang, about six months to cash in enough beer cans to buy
>steerage class tickets on a Chinese freighter, another couple of weeks
>to hitch-hike across America. Oh, and a day or two to rest once we get
>to wherever it is you live.
>I'd be getting really worried Mr. Palmer. Next thing you'll be calling
>us the anus of the planet!
>Quarantined in Australia
Robert L. Palmer
Dept. of AMES, Univ. of Calif., San Diego