Hey Laifman!!,
You were sure right about this Colin dude!! Not a guy to mess with
lightly!! Kind of like tryin' to poke fun at a rattlesnake, albeit a very
literate one. Now let's see; Fredericksburg is 76 miles away - that's less
than an hour in a pickup with a pissed guy drivin'. Add, say, another hour
or so to assemble the hunting party and check their weapons; probably
original Wehrmacht issue in this case. Do they wait 'till nightfall to hunt
tourists in Texas? Oh sorry, that's Mississippi. So, I figure the gunfire
aughta start any minute now. So Colin, you better finish that last Vernors
and either start pilin' up those sandbags or head on West real quick.
I'm thinking, for Colin's own good, we need to get him back into quarantine
in Las Cruces right away before he provokes any more of the natives. My
latest theory on the Cobbmeister is that he has been exiled here from the
mother planet because either a) of his antisocial behavior with Earth
serving as a sort of Australia of the galaxy or, b) because of the low
oxygen supply back home and the clean, oxygen-rich atmosphere around Las
Cruces was just what he needed. Could be both reasons, come to think of it.
I shudder to think what this guy would be like if he was drinking Lone Star
beer instead of Vernors. Oh, BTW Colin, I assume "The Codpiece of America"
is Texas, not that silly little appendage called Florida? And let us know
if you need reinforcements. You may be an asshole, but you're our asshole!!
Best regards and good luck Colin,
At 12:30 PM 8/22/98 -0400, CobMeister@aol.com wrote:
>On Sat, Aug 22, 1998 Tim Morin wrote:
>< Hey! colin!
>you don't have the slightest idea that your giving the list, that all Texans
>and Texas is a slow backward state. I resent it!! I live in
>Fredericksburg, Texas! 76 miles (west) of Round Rock, and I'm a native, and
>I've never seen an auto parts store as part of HEB!! There are lots of
>Texans on this list, so be careful of what you say about our state! We take
>offence to be-littling our state!
>Tim Morin
>P.O. Box 626
>Fredericksburg, Tx. 78624
>1-830-997-2337 hm.
>1-830-997-4319- wk. >
>and in another email Tim Morin further wrote:
>< bobbycue??? do you mean???? bar-be-que??? >
>Hey Tim,
>Frankly, I don't know where to start...
>With the easy stuff I guess: Yes, "bobbycue" is "barbecue." (Note,
please, no
>hyphens.) (Hyphens are the little straight lines you have between the
>syllables, "bar-be-cue.") (Syllables are.... ah, never mind!)
>"Bobbycue" is how the word sounds to an outlander's ear when it is pronounced
>by a local. That is because they deal with the syllables differently than we
>do (maybe I really do need to go into what syllables are?). Thus, when I say
>"bobbycue" I am making an admittedly weak attempt at humor. This is not
>intended to give a real bellylaugh, just a, you know, sort of a smile...
>Yes, Tim, I realize you aren't smiling.
>I am fairly familiar with Fredericksburg, a little town in the Texas Hill
>Country that bills itself as a "German town." You have one helluva nice big
>ol' tree there, out behind a nursery. Also you have a German bakery, of
>sorts. Also, you have a German restaurant, of sorts. I don't quite know
>to break it to you, Tim, but that bakery and that restaurant don't really
>a whole lot in common with bakeries and restaurants in Germany. They are a
>whole lot more Texan than they are German.
>And that ain't all bad. I quite like some parts of Texas. I like bobbycue.
>I like Austin. I like San Antonio for very short visits. I like the Hill
>Country and bluebonnets. I like by far the majority of the people I meet
>here. But I gotta tell you, Tim, that there ain't no asshole like a Texas
>I don't think that I said in my previous post that the Auto Zone parts house
>was IN an H.E.B. However, since I used terms like "...clinging to the H.E.B"
>and "...Auto Zone by an H.E.B." I can see how you would get confused. When I
>say the Auto Zone is "clinging" I am, for effect, giving a human
>characteristic to a building. Buildings don't really cling. And in most of
>the world "by" means "beside" not "inside." Sorry for the confusion.
>I gotta confess that some parts of your post leave ME a bit confused. I
>I deciphered your use of "your" to actually be intended as the
contraction of
>"you are" which is, in most of the world, written as "you're." So, when you
>write < you don't have the slightest idea that your giving the list, that all
>Texans and Texas is a slow backward state > I think you probably mean that I
>know not what I do? I respectfully disagree. I would certainly never give
>the list the impression "that all Texans... is a slow and backward state." I
>will continue to rely on Texans for that.
>I like Texas! I like California! I like Louisiana and Florida, and Alabama
>and Mississippi and Hawaii and... But I also think there are plenty of
>foibles that each of these places can afford to take a long look at.
>("Foibles" are minor weaknesses of character.)
>< There are lots of Texans on this list, so be careful of what you say about
>our state! We take offence to be-littling our state! >
>Huh? Why should I be careful? Will all those Texans somehow blacklist me
>from the best Bobbycue Pits? Wait 'til they find out I think the Dallas
>Cowboys are the most dog-assed team in football! As for "be-littling," is
>that anything like "belittling?" "Belittle" means to disparage or deprecate.
>I don't know what be-little means but I would guess at "to make physically
>smaller?" Are you afraid I will shrink Texas or just say it sucks?
>I think that your choosing the British spelling < offence > over the standard
>American spelling "offense" is diabolically clever! Uh... You did know
>what you did, didn't you?
>Well, anyway, I never deliberately set out to offend you or any other
>but I gotta confess that avoiding offending you is not very high on my
list of
>priorities either. All that my posts during my "Codpiece of America Tour"
>supposed to do is amuse and illuminate.
>--Colin Cobb, Still Outside Round Rock, Texas, Amurica, the World... Goin'
>Lookin' Fer Sum Bobbycue!