Just when you think you can live with the flakey ball joints, fulcrum
pins, reverse-Ackerman, twist-o-flex front crossmember and stuff, here
comes another. At the CalClub autocross Saturday night, we busted a
brake rotor on my second run. Damnedest thing I ever saw. It broke all
the way around the mounting area, leaving the rotor part to free-wheel,
with the mounting part still attached to the hub.
Although it made a gosh-awful noise, there was no other damage. It
burred the corner on one of the dust-sheild mounting bolts, and scraped
a bit of paint off the inside of the shield itself, but no damage other
than the busted rotor. And, since the rotor itself remained intact, the
braking loss was limited to the one front wheel--no loss of fluid or
anything, 'cause the rotor kept the pads in place.
Damnedest thing I ever saw!