Doug Ferrell wrote:
> At 07:37 PM 10/21/96 -0700, you wrote:
> >I have removed the original oil filter setup from the Tiger and am
> >going to install a spin on filter at the block. Ramon Spontanelli
> >showed me his setup but I didn't note the Fram number correctly.
> >Is it PH3512? Would appreciate the correct Fram number to use. Ramon
> >told me that it is a filter that fits a Renault...
> >Thanks in advance
> >Larry Allbritton
> >B9472723
> >Larry, I do know that the filter in reference fits the Renault LeCar, and
> that another
> brand of filter that fits well comes from NAPA stores; their own brand. Hope
> this
> helps, Doug. B9473386.
I found out that the NAPA filter equivalent to the Fram PH3512 is
the NAPA 1335.
Larry Allbritton