Look what I spotted in the rec.autos.antique newsgroup!
>From: Steve Brown <sbrown@yvv.com>
>Newsgroups: rec.autos.antique,alt.autos.antique,rec.autos.marketplace
>Subject: FREE: 2CV Citroen Doors
>Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 10:25:00 -0700
>Free for the picking up:
>a pile of front doors, a few trunk lids and a rear door for a truckette.
> All for 2CV Citroens.
>I have advertised these before. I can't believe that no one wants these
>things for nothing but stopping by Baltimore to pick them up.
>The house that they are in is up for sale. When it sells these are going
>to the landfill.
>Steve 410-349-1700
If I stay tuned in long enough, maybe I can own an entire 2CV for FREE!