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Re: Air Cleaner Question

To: NamasteRH@aol.com
Subject: Re: Air Cleaner Question
From: winbladg@apps5.credence.COM (Gary Winblad)
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 96 09:44:03 PDT
> Also, is anyone actually running on the original carb/manifold setup?
>  EVERYONE on the list seems to talk about mods, so I am left wondering
> whether my efforts toward originality are a waste of time.  If you ARE using
> the original setup, how is it?  Just "OK" or "perfectly satisfactory"?
>  Inquiring minds want to know.

I'm running the original setup except for a Holley carb.  Its plenty
adequate but my new car is going to have more power eventually!  Original
air cleaners are out there, I was able to find one at a local swap meet
last summer for $100!  Real lucky find though...


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