I have found this discussion interesting but somewhat off point, so I will
add to the off point.
Let me give you my New York liberal point of view.
I am a huge believer in multi-culturalism. The problem is decision were
made by the US courts to eliminate culture, it then became PC to say. happy
holiday instead of embracing culture, merry chistmans, happy chanuka, happy
deepali, etc. The world would be a better place if everyone was required to
learn about 3, 4, or 5 cultures. Last year when my job was eliminated I
went around the world with my wife, specifically visiting many world
heritage sites. What hits you is that all the religions "borrowed" from
each other. Jesus and Mohamed were only two of many born from an immaculate
conception process. Some Jewish practices can be traced back to ancient
Egyptian traditions and Halal is just another name for Kosher. Most
religions are more than same than different, yet most wars are fought in the
name of religion. I also have little tolerance for christian conservatives
banning books like harry potter because they think it promotes witchcraft .
Do not blame all that is wrong with America on liberals. There is enough
wrong to go all around. While I am not a fan of taxes, you can easily argue
that the conservative Bush tax cuts without the reduction in spending
created the overheating economy that lead to the housing bubble that created
the housing bust. That was just irresponsible governing. If we had continued
the Clinton era budget *surpluses* we would all be much better off today.
I don't understand what was meant by" our way of life is being stolen away"
has to do with this conversation. (the same could likely be said about my
rant!!) This may go back to the lack of committment this country has on
eduction. Many years ago we ranked high on a global scale in quality of
education. Today we are in the bottom half at best, though more likely
forth quartile. This is a big issue, there is no way we will be able to
compete globally without a better educated population. The gap between our
standard of living and others is shrinking because other countries have done
a better job in education.
I will not get off my horse.
On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 3:55 PM, WFO Herb <froggi60@gmail.com> wrote:
> Linda,
> It starts at the school board level. Conservative people in the community
> MUST get involved in the selection process. Liberals infiltrated our
> schools years ago and they continue to destroy America...one book...one
> Christian...one family at a time.
> It's not just schools, our way of life is rapidly being stolen away from
> us.
> Look West to see what is happening.
> Don't get me started. I, and others of similar mind, fight this daily.
> Herb
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