This is what happens in our politically correct society. Textbooks are actually
being rewritten to eliminate all mention of the Christian founders of our
Previous political and social wrongs are being over corrected to the extent
that basic civil liberties are being stolen from certain segments of society.
The Equal Rights Amendment was only the beginning. While the law was sorely
needed at the time it was imposed, there should have been an expiration date
built into it. Now it is merely promoting mediocrity. In house promotions are
based upon racial and sexual quotas, rather than actual qualifications for the
It is long past time for the silent majority to speak out against the very
vocal minority. Freedom of speech only extends so far as it does not offend
someone of a minority group. Minorities may speak freely, with no consequences
applied because they are members of a protected class.
My extended family only shops at stores that advertise Christmas. We make every
effort to tell the store manager why we have chosen their store to shop in, and
write letters to the corporate office.
If we want our liberties back, we must fight for them. I would go to Saint
Vinnie's and buy the most garish Christmas sweater you can find. I also have
trouble picturing you in a dress.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Linda Grunthaner" <>
To: "Spridget list" <>
Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 4:26:24 AM
Subject: [Spridgets] No LBC School won't allow Christmas in my classroom, how
to get around that.
At our faculty meeting our principal said once again we aren't allowed to
put "religious" decorations in our classroom which includes Christmas Trees.
I'm sure this isn't what he prefers because he is very religious and would
love to put a Christmas Tree in his office with manger and all.
So again another year goes buy with no Christmas memorabilia in my room.
I have been very preoccupied with my other kitty and old age illnesses that
Christmas was not in my mind. But now that my other kitty BB is on the mend
(I just realized she might be 16 years old) I would like to do something
cool. BTW Stitches who was lost & found after 5 weeks is at 9.5 lbs and is
great : ) I am grateful for every day with them.
So what are your thoughts on me making a dress in the shape of a Christmas
tree with battery operated lights? If I can get it together by Thursday I'll
youtube it : ) I just hope I don't upset the school board ; )
Merry Christmas,
Suggested annual donation $12.75
Suggested annual donation $12.75