I don't know where it should vent but for a test I would just a common, normal
cap on there for a day or two and see what happens.
> From: kk7ss@verizon.net
> To: kk7ss@verizon.net; dwoerpel@wi.net; spridgets@autox.team.net;
> Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 21:27:25 -0700
> Subject: RE: [Spridgets] Spitting carbs - again...
> Bill,
> Now that, too, has me thinking...
> The gas cap is a "quick-release" type (so-called LeMans style) like I
> use to use on my racing bikes. I do not see an obvious vent hole.
> Where should the vent be with that type of cap?
> On 7 Jun 2009 at 19:51, Bill Masquelier wrote:
> >> More than worrying about the fuel pump yet I would be looking at a
> >> possibly clogged fuel filter somewhere in the line or the line out of
> >> the tank to be partially clogged in the tank. It would take a 1275 a
> >> lot of work to out-use a pump.
> --
> Dave G. KK7SS
> '65 MK III Sprite in Richland, WA
> If I wake up in the morning, and I hurt, it means that I'm still
> alive !!
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