I too have some of the same problems.
Dave worked his wonders on mine Friday. What a difference!
I have confirmed my parts pile does not have the poppets on the carb
Next on the list is to get a regulator to bring the pressure down and
confirm that the floats are level as well as being able to float. I did put
a new generic pump in a few weeks ago and found that it does over 5 psi.
-----Original Message-----
From: spridgets-bounces@autox.team.net
[mailto:spridgets-bounces@autox.team.net] On Behalf Of Dave G.
Sent: Sunday, June 07, 2009 6:47 PM
To: spridgets
Subject: [Spridgets] Spitting carbs - again...
Continuing the saga; a never ending series - starring me and the many
Still not able to hold the engine speed abobe 2500rpm without
spitting back, I decided to strip both cabs at the same time and
compare the parts from both back and front catbs at the same time (I
hadn't done that before!)
Lo and Behold (Poetic - aint I?) the spring from the rear carb was
2.4" longer than the front one! (Insert choice of obligatory swear
words here!)
So I took the bits of 4 carbs - both from 1275 motors, and proceeded
to match the springs, piston drop rates and needles (spring or swing
type) re-assembled and reset them, then went through the basic tuning
Good idle at 800rpm, pistons rise at the same rate, no miss or
stumbling, nice pick up when I 'blip' the throttle, runs nice at
If I try to hold the rpms anywhere above 2500, the carbs still spit
No manifold leaks, timing spot on, etc., etc., etc..
I'm beginning to suspect low fuel flow at higher rpms is causing it
to lean out....
Is there a simple test I can do to check how much the stock pump can
How many ounces of gas in how much time is what I'd ideally like to
Sorry to be a pest.. and Thanks ;-))
Dave G. KK7SS
'65 MK III Sprite in Richland, WA
If I wake up in the morning, and I hurt, it means that I'm still
alive !!
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