I certainly wouldn't cast doubt on any list put forward by Frank - his
Spridget ownership is too legendary for that!
But my point was that I carry a number of spares that seem a good idea but
that I have never needed or had use for.
And I have also missed carrying stuff that might have helped. There is
clearly some subversive "Law of Mowog" at work here. That said, I have never
yet failed to get the car home under its own power.
Talking of spares, I do not carry a spare wheel. Space and weight saving
from a camping trip in 1992 that has so far proved to be the right decision
over 16 years 125,000 miles and 2 models of Spridget. I am however clearly
living on borrowed time an am expecting a puncture any day soon!
-----Original Message-----
From: derf []
Sent: 24 November 2008 15:09
To: Guy Weller
Cc: Michael Rowe; Spridgets
Subject: Re: [Spridgets] Second cool drive
> But the real truth would come from analysis of what breakdowns have
> occurred in normal travel that were, or could have been fixed "if only I
> XXX in on-board my spares"
Yes, and Frank has done that research and analysis. He has owned more
Spridgets than most people have seen (OK, that may be an
Ask him what he carries around town and what he carries on long trips
and go from there. Too many people want to analyze, document, and
re-invent the wheel.
Have a question about racing spares? Ron's probably your guy.
Need info on the Great Depression? Try Ed. (Just kidding, Ed)
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