Yup, BTDT! And the furnace kicks in and spreads it all over the house.
I ended up building a wooden spray booth with a bathroom vent fan
"Tee-d" into the electric clothes dryer vent. Just don't have it set up
near a gas water heater. Do wear a mask; your brain cells will thank
you. Wanna know how I know that? I'm the guy going after the wind
chill record......"which way did they go George?"
David Booker wrote:
> A few days ago, my son and I decided that since my wife was out for the
> evening, it would be a good time to dye my used tan headrests black to match
> the rest of the interior. Rattle can said it must be between 70 and 90
> degrees ambient temp to spray successfully, so I figured the basement would be
> a good place since the garage is unheated.
> We set up an area in the far corner beyond the laundry room for the work. The
> dropcloth was carefully laid out to catch any overspray, and we set up a place
> to hold them afterward for drying. After cleaning the vinyl and taping off of
> the parts not getting dyed, we began. The Dupli-Color spray covered well and
> before long both headrests were newly blacked and hanging off shelves to dry.
> The smell was a bit strong, but I didn't think much of it since all paints
> smell a bit, right?
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