It's that time of year again, my company (BNSF Railway) sends out the
calendars. Nice pictures of BNSF trains around the country. Well, I get my
fill of trains 10-14 hours a day 7 days a week. The first Spridgeteer that
emails me with his snail mail address gets it.
Also I told Ray English in Australia that I would let you know he has a
new version of the Bugeye Supecharged badge available. This time instead of
aluminum, they are seem to be made of steel and are nicely plated and the
lettering has been painted in red very nicely also. He is asking 66 dollars
Australian (about $44 US). If you have any kind of a supercahrger on your
car or ever expect to use one these are a must have. He has only made of
run of 30 so don't waste time. No financial interest, Yada, Yada.
Mike macLean
60 Sprite
56 BN2
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