> I do take issue with the love it or leave it mentality in one respect; I
> believe that we not only have the right to speak up, but the
> responsibility.
> We should not mistake one who wants to improve our nation for one who
> wishes
> to bring it harm. The founders created our government to be a living,
> evolving entity. It is patriotic to speak up. It is patriotic to protest.
> It is patriotic to do these things if you are an active citizen. Just
> think
> how backward this nation would be if everyone who saw her flaws had simply
> packed up and left.
Amen to that! (oops, was that religious?)
What I want to know is How did Drew manage to get such a long post through?
Everybody else seems to have to carve them up into chunks by the time they
get that long.
David Lieb
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