I don't think anyone should be pickin' on that O'Bama guy just because he's
-----Original Message-----
> is the majority of the list truly racist or just venting because they do
> not
> like the outcome of the election?
I dunno bout everyone else, but I was very disappointed at most of the
remarks that came across this List in that regard. Obama has my full support
(not that he needs it or benefits from it in any way) and I wish him (and
therefore the country) full success. I was appalled this morning to hear
someone on the radio accuse him of "not being the right kind of patriot". If
that means that he does not blindly say that America is the most fabulous
country in the world, good. There is plenty of room for improvement. OTOH,
anyone willing to subject themselves to a presidential campaign can be
accused of many things, but a lack of patriotism is not one of them.
I expect a lot of echoes of the JFK years soon. "Ask not what your country
can do for you..."
Like it or not, he is the president-elect. If you choose not to support him,
that says more about you than it does about him.
David Lieb
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