I am not prepared to recite instructions, since it has been a couple of
years since I did the one for my 72. I will say that the most important
thing to bring to the event is patience. It will only go together one way
and it isn't THAT difficult to figure out. I did not use any lubricant on
the seals (having heard about Spridgets becoming bubble machines the first
time they saw rain after using detergent to install the glass). I did buy
some screws a couple of inches long to use to start things pulling together.
I did not use any touniquets or any of that stuff, either, having heard of
too many LBC windshields that were forced together in that manner and then
shattered the first time the car hit a bump or the first time they went
through a heat/cold cycle. I had the luxury of taking a week to do the job,
so I did not rush it.
Installing the unit back on the car is another story! Suffice it to say that
it is possible to do it solo with the aid of a floorjack. And lots of
patience and ingenuity.
David Lieb
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