Thanks a ton Brian, Frank has pointed out lots of changes and now I can
accutally see them. I can hardly wait to check out my bonnet.
On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 10:22 AM, brian S <> wrote:
> Just forwarding this from the Yahooey Bugeye list. From Colin Dodds of
> Aussie
> Sprite fame.
> Some pretty interesting differences.
> Brian S.
> Bugeyeracer under resto
> G'day guys
> We had the rare opportunity recently to have both an early and a late
> model Bugeye in the shop at the same time. This gave us the chance to
> compare and document the changes that BMC made to the body shell and
> fittings between 1958 and 1960.
> Granny's Sprite is car number 4165 and was built on 29 August 1958. It
> was in the Workshop being returned to it's original Primrose colour,
> and being refurbished in readiness for sale to Wayne.
> Rob's Bugeye is car number 30224 and was built in January 1960. It was
> nearing the end of a bare shell restoration.
> Whilst Bugeye production continued until May 1961, there were no body
> changes made during these last 15 months so Rob's Bugeye represents the
> final version of the body shell.
> We've added a page to the web site to show the differences between
> these two cars. Many of these are referred to in Terry Horler's
> "Original Sprite and Midget". However, we found a few more differences,
> and the internet provides us with the opportunity to share these with
> you in more detail.
> If you're interested, click on the web address below, and go to Bugeye
> Variations.
> or
> avagoodday
> Colin
> www.SpriteParts.
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