Magnificent work, Jack. You should be very proud of your car!
Jim - 68 Midget in Dodge City
On 9/18/07, Jack Laird <> wrote:
> Took Miss Agatha '59 Bugeye to her first car show and she came home with first
> place. Could have knocked me over.
> She is not even quite done yet, needs to revisit the body shop and get a new
> oil pump as well.
> She is not orginal either, stainless bolts, spin on oil filter, elec fuel
> pump, etc. But only noticeable to those of us that are BE experts, kind of.
> Anyway, thanks for all the help guys, really appreciate it and it would not
> have been possible without you all keeping my motivation up and even finding a
> few parts unavailable elsewhere.
> Would enclose a pic but you know how this thing is. Including this link for
> pics of the process which you all know. Go to the end for the result.
> _______________________________________________
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