"I won't live within 5 miles............"
funny...I now feel the same way about airplanes and it's not the
the way the industry has gone. Not much
"fun" and certainly nowhere near the fun
it was before it became ultra-regulated.....
..and now we have "security" which is totally
understandable for obvious reasons but man....it is so "dumbly" executed though
better than none at all of course.
Almost 5 years since 9/11 and no pilot
"biometric" cards yet which allow expedited
passage, double FBI background checks
notwithstanding. Even passengers are now
getting "expedited" passage based on back-ground, etc. checks.
My buddy quit United last year. Had it with
the bankruptcy, loss of pension after nearly
20 years...sold the house in Greenwich and he and his English wife split for
AUS. He said US (and industry) have already had their best days....now on the
Cap'n. Bob '60 :{)