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Re: China bashing--Now LEC reading times

To: "Robert E. Shlafer" <pilotrob@webtv.net>
Subject: Re: China bashing--Now LEC reading times
From: rrengineer@dslextreme.com
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2007 17:14:25 -0700 (MST)
It was fun in the beginning...  I won't live within 5 miles of a railroad
track when I retire.

Robert E. Shlafer
> Geesh! You know Mike....
> ...either you guys have got a lousy union or, as in the airline
> industry....is it just the economic times.
> Truck drivers seem to have it better than
> airline pilots or locomotive engineers.
> Man, I cannot believe your days and hours of availability though I'm sure
> you (like I) enjoy drivin' your specific machines as much as I loved
> drivin' mine (up to a few
> years back, anyway:).
> Cap'n. Bob      '60 :{)

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