C'mon, Frank....
racing "clearances" are normally greater and such engines are built on the
loose side while they are normally "freshened"
or rebuilt far more often in time/miles then
street types. Just part of the cost of racing/
competition wherein service life is not as much of a priority for obvious
had I your tools, shop and engines hanging around along with your mechanical
skill, I wouldn't care much about street motor service life either!!
But since I pay for it these days.... :):)
This is changin', BTW. A buddy picked up a
'63 AH3000 and we've been working on it
weekends. Will be heading down to Joe
Curto's next Saturday to pick up the carbs.
which are having new spindles installed.
Looks like I've got the use of the gargage in time and will start doing some of
my own
work again. 'Bout time!! Body work, glass bonnet (maybe a Walker) and respray
in Spring of '07, assuming I live that long! :)
Meanwhile, my buddy will be rebuilding the
3000's Xmission this winter. Should be
Cap'n Bob
Basic Frog
Cap'n Bob
Basic Frog
Cap'n. Bob '60 :{)