.. what he really didn't know was that down here that brown water
that youse guys call coffee we refer to as water.. coffee is serious
business down here. Remember, if the spoon will not stay upright in
the mug without touching the sides it isn't strong enough.
On Aug 2, 2006, at 9:12 PM, Bill L wrote:
> Hello Ron,
> while i was living in NY i overheard a couple of locals
> relating the following story...
> one had just been to louisanna, he went into a deli and asked
> for coffee.. the man behind the counter said, coffee, just a
> regular coffee.. the NY guy says yeah a regular coffee.. and he
> got it BLACK! .. complaining that the idiot down south didn't
> even know what a regular coffee was!!!!.. the poor NYer was too
> myopic to know that EVERYWHERE but NY, .. regular means COFFEE
> ONLY, .. BLACK...... not .. well you know!
> --
> Best regards,
> Bill mailto:pythias@pacifier.com
> "66 Sprite