I have used Photorec many times to rescue files. It is legally free,
and will recover a long list of other files/docs as well as .jpg
images. http://www.cgsecurity.org/photorec.html You could damn near
make a living using this program! It reads about any file format as
It does not run on Windows, however, but an easy way to use it is with
a Knoppix disk. I would not recommend writing to your Windows hard
drive with it, but you can put anything that you rescue on a floppy
disk (ugh) or a USB pen drive, or USB hard drive. You can also send it
over a network or email it, but that may be beyond the 'learning to
use it' stage.
Knoppix is available free here, it's a 700 meg download, and you need
to be able to burn the ISO to a bootable CD: http://knoppix.net/