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Re: Compact flash help, no LBC

To: bjshov8@comcast.net
Subject: Re: Compact flash help, no LBC
From: "charlie shelden" <shelden3@pldi.net>
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 10:53:57 -0500 (CDT)
I've done this several times with flash/memory cards at work for co workers.
Go do a search for compact flash picture recovery or deleted picture
recovery.  There are several utillities out there that will work fine. 
Something to remember is that what you delete a file it isn't really gone
just the referance to it in the FAT is gone.  So this allows the computer
to write over that area.  So your pictures are there, even a format only
erases the complete file allocation table.  That is why formating doesn't
really remove data only allows data to be written (basic formating for
those that want to argue the point).  I worked on a ladies disk the other
day and found pictures on her disk that were taken a year ago, she was
amazed they were on there still even though she had deleted the pictures. 
I guess this is common with flash cards as there are several utillities to
use.  Good luck.

> If you connect to your Windows computer with a USB card reader, you can
> use the Windows disk utilities to try to salvage what files are on that
> flash card, which Windows will treat like a disk drive.  Even if you have
> to go in and try to undelete files.
>> > I need some computer geek help. I have a compact flash card in my
>> > (admittedly old) digital camera. I tried to read it in a USB card
>> > reader, and I got asked if I wanted to format the card. I clicked no,
>> > since I didn't want to overwrite my pictures. I put the card back in
>> the

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