Out to the garage early this AM to do some work while
the thermometer is still reading in the double digits,
a chipmunk who has been hanging around my car trailer
decided to waltz into the garage and take up residence
behind some cabinets. I was retorquing a cylinder
head, and every time I looked up he was looking at me,
but retreated with any other movement. I brought in
Simba the Wonderdog (as in "I Wonder what he does all
day), Sims finally gets a glimpse of him. While I am
yelling "Pee! Sh!t! Do SOMETHING to mark your
territory!", Simba seems to be looking around for
beers and a checkerboard to play with his new friend.
I don't have a cat, discharging a weapon in the garage
isn't a good idea. Any ideas out there to usher this
thing out of my garage or this world entirely?
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