Hi everybody,
As you may know, I just put a new engine (and clutch kit) into my 1500 Midget
this Spring. While driving it about 30 miles yesterday I began developing
clutch problems and now need some help guessing what the problem could be.
First, the 2nd gear chirped once, but I thought it was just my own bad driving.
Then, the gears became slightly harder to set, but it was cold yesterday, so I
thought that was the problem. Then, near the end of my ride, every time I
decelerated a little, there was a sound from the engine like something was
still spinning and winding down well after the car decelerated. Since I was on
the Parkway, I had to keep going, but the sound got progressively louder and
worse over about 5 miles. When I hit the first full stop at a traffic light, I
couldn't engage any gears and had to roll the car into a nearby parking lot.
Does this sound like I have a fluid leak, or something even worse, like a loose
flywheel or something? Any suggestions for problems to look for are very
John Gottstein
'75 Midget
Now sitting in Edison, NJ