74 Midget 1275 ignition problems:
Does it matter which terminals on the coil I connect the white and
white/black wire? My coil has - and + terminals. I just got the clutch
fixed and now I have no spark at the plugs. I tried pulling the HT wire
that goes from the coil to the dizzy and attempted to get it to arc to the
body of the car.....no spark. The car has not been started in about a year.
At that time I replaced the condenser and points and the engine ran great
but I couldn't get the clutch sorted out. Now I finally decide to solve the
clutch problem (SUCCESSFULLY!!! thanks to tips from the Listers) and I have
ignition problems.
(1) Battery was bought today. No problem there.
(2) Coil reads 3.1 ohms resistance between terminals. (Based on Haynes no
problem there).
(3) Time to troubleshoot the points and condenser.
Any more advice oh wise ones?
Tad R.
Orlando, FL
74 RWA Midget
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