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1979 1500 midget leakin oil

To: "Spridgets" <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: 1979 1500 midget leakin oil
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2003 19:38:52 -0600 with any abuse report
Hi all
I took my 1500 to Chicago on Thanksgiving (Tops down) from Wisconsin for a
commemorative of the first auto race in the Usa a few pics if you so desire

on the way back my son told me I had a very bad oil smell, when I got her
home I put it in the garage, and about 2 hours later I noticed that I had a
lot of oil dripping off the frame, I lost about 1.5 quarts in 100 miles.  I
was winding the car up pretty good (no not redline, but I wasn't being nice
lol)  I was Talking to Gerard today on the Telephone, and he gave me a few
suggestions, but was quick to say 1500's weren't his cup of tea. as Was
Peter at SOS lol  So I am asking any spitfidget owners that have had a
sudden oil leak come on, for any suggestions.

Gerard, thought he had a prospect for my car, (been for sale for a few
months) but I wont sell it broke.  its a 21,000 mile cherry. so that's the
next thing I need to get after.. BTW 2 days at SOS let me experience many
things I have not seen b4, it was great.



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