At least the Quad four is a cool little engine and probably worth the
effort to do, though I don't get auto-trans. It think it would be a cool
conversion in a Morris Minor. The only thing is, the guy at my machine shop
says he sees them all the time with cracked heads.
At 10:07 AM -0500 6/19/02, Brashear, Jack, N wrote:
>For my $0.02 worth, it's indeed an odd choice of engines. But the
>installation looked pretty well done from the photos. Ain't America a
>great place?? We can do whatever we darn well want to!! Hey, I know some
>old guys who are putting an Olds Quad 4 engine and GM automatic (inline)
>in an MGA and I'll promise it'll look like it was always intended to be
>there when they're finished. They're doing it for FUN!!
>Jack (headed for Tahoe)
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