For my $0.02 worth, it's indeed an odd choice of engines. But the installation
looked pretty well done from the photos. Ain't America a great place?? We can
do whatever we darn well want to!! Hey, I know some old guys who are putting
an Olds Quad 4 engine and GM automatic (inline) in an MGA and I'll promise
it'll look like it was always intended to be there when they're finished.
They're doing it for FUN!!
Jack (headed for Tahoe)
-----Original Message-----
From RevdSpridget at []
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 5:59 PM
Subject: Re: ...and now for something completely different...
I'll be real disapointed if this is someone from the list because this has to
be the most absolute stupid idiot engine swap in the whole world. In case
the 1500 Midget guys get me wrong the engine is well average but if you have
one I agree it can be made it work, but to go to the trouble of fitting one
to a Bugeye instead of a 1275 A-series is just plain ignorant. I wonder what
the quality of the installation is like?
In a message dated 18/06/02 21:26:05 Greenwich Standard Time, writes:
> This guy took a Bugeye and replaced the engine and trans with a 1500 engine
> and trans.
> ind
> exURL=4&photoDisplayType=2#ebaylargephotohosting
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