Hello JRLNJ,
Wednesday, August 01, 2001, 4:57:14 PM, you wrote:
Jac> and 50-60 Ferraris, as well. Also, a terrific
Jac> MacDonald's, that accepts
Jac> Visa!
When I was in Paris I went it to MacDonald's to see if the 1/4 pounder
was call "The Royal", ala Pulp Fiction. It was. As I was about to
leave Lisa pointed out that they had soda, shakes, and beer on tap.
So I queued up and got myself a large beer, which they served with a
straw. It was just the thing for the train ride back to the city and
it cost all of about $1.30 USD. No, I did not buy any food in the
Best regards,
Bill mailto:w.gilroy@verizon.net