You should be able to remove the lock cylinder from the door handle and take
it to a locksmith. He should be able to make keys with the cylinder.
Shouldn't cost a lot. I did this with a motorcycle once and it cost me $5
for two keys. The locksmith just had to fiddle a little to get it right.
Taking the cylinder in saves a housecall fee (usually around $50), plus it
lets the locksmith work a lot more easily with something he can hold in his
hand instead of kneeling by your car.
>Subject: Midget keys
>Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 05:23:44 EST
>When I bought my '78 Midget, the only key to the car I received was the one
>to start the car. Is there any way I can get the key to lock the doors
>without having to change the locks?