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oooooOOO that smell!

To: <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: oooooOOO that smell!
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 00:15:57 -0000charset="iso-8859-1"
ok question time!  since i do not use lockheed brake fluid riddle me this!
what is it derived from?  i just disassembled 2 lockheed master cylinders
and the stuff had turned into a brown black greasey goo that had the most
unique stench!  now i am familiar with standard alcohol based brake fluid
and when that stuff gets old it turns into a granular gell wich eventually
turns into a powder.  i get to resurect a bunch of long term idle hydraulic
components from time to time.   i tried to wash out the stuff from the
master cylinders in my safety kleen parts washer and the stuff gelled and
actually stuck on the parts washer's brush and would not wash off!!  so i
decided that i was going to blast it with berekable 2+2 choke spray( nasty
stuff capable of eating paint off stuff) and finally was able to get the
stuff to melt and wash out!  yuck!   i needed to wash out the cylinders so i
could glass bead blast the parts before i checked them out any further(you
know, the bore and gasket surfaces).  actually i am sending out the lids and
fastners to be re cadmium plated along with an entire car worth of hardware.
if i send this stuff with any foregin chemicals to platers i could
contaminate their tanks and  risk loosing my source for plating.  i always
try to present the plater with clean ready to plate hardware, no rust, no
undercoating or grease or sealer stuck on parts.

so what is the mystery lockheed goo?  or better yet what wasit before it
turned into goo?  it can't be unobtanium from crashed ufo's from the new
mexico desert.....naaah!


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