White smoke is usually from water, and from what you describe, is sounds
like a blown head gasket to me. For future reference, bluish-white smoke is
burning oil (bad rings or valves or both) and black smoke is a too rich gas
mixture. If it is a bad head gasket, a good copper one will fix the
problem, but there is always the possibility of a cracked cylinder head
also. If you contiue to be interested in this car, try to determine where
the leak is located and look under the valve cover too. If the head is
cracked, you will likely find whitish oily deposits under the valve cover.
Also once the car has warmed up, place your hand about an inch or two from
the exaust pipe to see if you have water condensing on your hand. This is
normal when an engine is cold, but not once it is warmed up.
At 9:21 PM -0600 3/15/00, Patton Dickson wrote:
>I am forwarding your message to a couple of Sprite Midget lists for more
>help. Guys, if you can help Oscar, send him mail at biondioe@yahoo.com
>Personally, depending on what you are paying for the car. I would be much
>more worried about ANY rust or body work the car needs. Engines are out
>there to be had for a reasonable price, but rust is a killer (my car is a
>great example of that :) )
>The choke doesn't sound right to me, but others can shed better light on
>that than me, so I will defer to them.
>Good Luck.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Oscar Biondi" <biondioe@yahoo.com>
>To: <kpatton@geocities.com>
>Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2000 11:35 AM
>Subject: 67 midget
>> hello patton my name is oscar. i have been looking for
>> a midget for some time now and i found a nice 1967
>> one. the owner and i took it for a ride and a cople
>> minutes after it started puffing large amounts of
>> white smoke out off the tail pipe when we stopped at a
>> light. the owner said it happened because of the choke
>> and that it would clear up. well it did but i don't
>> know if he was covering up a major problem. also the
>> engine was covered in oil coming from the head gasket
>> (i guess). if you can give me some light on my problem
>> i would really appreciate it. i just don't want to pay
>> more than what the car is worth. is there any way to
>> fix the head leak? i have heard that copper racing
>> gaskets would do the trick.
>> thank you for your time and help.
>> oscar
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