It has been suggested that I consider installing a copper head gasket
and even a thicker gasket when I put the Judson on my 1275. As I
understand it I can and should reduce the compression ratio with a
thicker gasket to help prevent detonation. I have found a url for a
company that makes gaskets to order out of pure copper. Is there a
formula I can use to determine how much thicker gasket the gasket should
be to add the additional chamber volume to change it from a stock 1275H
(8.8:1?) to about 8:1?. And/or anybody know what the thickness of the
stock gasket is?
Gasket Works list gaskets available in the following thickness. Anybody
used them for A series gaskets?
022,.032,.040,.043,.054,.063,.086, .093, and .125 inches.
1970 Midget
Nashville, TN