Looking for some more free advice.
Soon, we anticipate pulling the 1275cc motor from our Midget parts car and
tearing it down for a slow ( read as budget allows) rebuild.
I've read on the list, and seen in the archives, where some of you have
fabricated an engine stand mount that bolts to the generator boss.
Fabrication is something I can, and like to, do...but I'm a little unclear
as to the actual attachment method. Do I understand correctly that you use
the rear generator mounting boss as the only point of attachment?
Just two wimpy little 5/16" bolts to hold the engine? Is this correct or am
i missing something?
My money is on Frank to be the first to respond with a spot on reply...so
there the gauntlet has been thrown down to the list...the challenge has
been made!
will anyone be able to beat Frank?
As always...thanks in advance for all of your help.
Bill & Cindy