Hey Daryl,
Did you bench bleed the master cylinder? I'm not sure about the
older MCs but on the rebuilt MC I got for my '69 it needed to be
bench bled first. If you were using a mighty vac this probably
wouldn't be nessassary but if you're bleeding it the old school
way you need to get all of the air out of the MC before you can
get any draw thru it with the pedal.
Good luck,
Robert Weeks
Durham NC
1969 Midget
At 10:18 AM -0800 3/29/98, Daryl May wrote:
>I am struggling to bleed my 1960 Bugeye brake system. It's an
>all-drum-brake system with the tandem master cylinder. I have just rebuilt
>all 6 slave cylinders, and the master cylinder, as well as the pedal
>linkages. Took great care to clean out even the little passages. BUT,
>maybe I did something wrong?
>Problem is that I cannot get the master cylinder to draw brake fluid and
>pass it down the brake pipes. The fluid level just hovers at full while I
>pump the brakes. No resistance on the pedal of course, because the system
>is still full of air.
>Other clues: the brake pedal movement is 1.5 inches, and the corresponding
>master cylinder piston travel is one-fourth to one-third of an inch. Is
>this not too little? Can I have screwed up the master cylinder rebuild?
>Help, please.